Alcatel launches new multi-service switch


Alcatel today unveiled the latest optical metro switch 1850 TSS (Transport Service Switch) at the Madrid Broadband World Forum and announced that the switch uses a new universal switching architecture, representing the latest technological breakthrough in the field of multiservice switches.

The device integrates Layer 1 and Layer 2 Ethernet, TDM, and WDM switching functions on a single platform to support any service type. Alcatel said the device can be a 100% circuit switch, a 100% packet switch, or an MSPP device that supports WDM. The 1850 TSS device is currently available in two models, 320-Gbps for 32-card and 40-Gbps for 6-card. The device is currently fully targeted at the European market, and Telecom Italia has begun trials. The device features a dedicated ASIC chip that does not embed TDM and packet processors like other MSPP devices.

Hydraulic Mount:

widely used in the suspension is divided into three categories,like traditional suspension of pure rubber mount,or Rubber Absorber, as well as Hydraulic Mount or Hydraulic Suspension of better dynamic and static performance.

The shape of rubber parts is not restricted, the stiffness can be chosen freely in a certain range, with spatial spring characteristic, load can withstand multiple directions; using friction damping, can absorb vibration and impact energy is good; and easy to bond metal firmly together, greatly simplified and fixed the supporting structure, so that the overall quality of the suspension reduced; structure has the advantages of simple process, low cost, suitable for mass production; convenient use and maintenance. Because of these advantages, the rubber mounting has widely used in most of the cars.



Pure rubber suspension consists of rubber bushing (or other sulfide pieces) and the bracket, and the hydraulic mount is apart from the main rubber spring, but also the internal filling the special liquid (usually ethylene glycol), the runner plate, decoupling piece, composed of cups and other parts to a certain structure.


Performance requirement:

(1) Good vibration isolation performance, soft requirement in vertical direction;

(2) Larger lateral rigidity and stability of supporting body;

(3) Good durability.


How to design and select good auto suspension:

In the structural design of body mounting device location settings, select the number of points of suspension, determine the characteristics of suspension form and elastic rubber pad, we should consider the following aspects:

(1) The vehicle structure stiffness distribution relationship between the frame and the body and the stiffness of the transfer;

(2) Frame and body assembly connection position accuracy;

(3) The stability of the vibration isolation effect and the exercise of the body;

(4) The frame vibration and vibration;

(5) Suspension rubber pad device in the stress condition and durability;

(6) Stress of the frame.

Hydruaulic Mount

Hydraulic Mount

Hydraulic Mount,Hydraulic Suspension,Professional Hydraulic Mount,Hydraulic Monitor Mount

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