Research Report on Selectivity Test of Magnetite in a Certain Area of ​​Hebei Province


Report Name: Hebei iron ore a geomagnetic test optional study reporting format: word
Completion time: January 2008 Publisher: Guo Changqing Guiding Expert: Gong Meiling Huang Kaiguo Gu Zhongxiang Project Leader: Duan Zhu Report Pages: Foreword Beginning 32 pages


Entrusted by Shaanxi XXX Company, Xi'an Tianzhou Mining Technology Development Co., Ltd. conducted a beneficiation test on Hebei XX magnetite from December 2007 to January 2008. The purpose of the test is to provide reliable possibilities for the development and utilization of the deposit. Technical Information.
XX magnetite is a magmatic hydrothermal deposit. The main iron minerals are hosted by diorite, white mica schist and talc schists. Magnetite is embedded with a large number of fine-grained gangue minerals, which adversely affects beneficiation. The main metal minerals are magnetite, a small amount of pyrite, hematite. Gangue minerals are mainly plagioclase, quartz, chlorite, epidote, sphene, leucoxene, talc, muscovite. The total amount of metal minerals accounts for about 16.1%, and the total amount of gangue minerals accounts for about 83.9%. The mineral type is relatively simple, and the main recyclable mineral is magnetite. Magnetite is mainly disseminated by fine particles, and is less than 0.048 mm (-300 mesh), accounting for more than 40%. The original ore grade is 15.50%, and the magnetic iron accounts for 51% of the total iron. Ore is difficult to dissociate, difficult to choose low-grade magnetite.
The test adopts a single magnetic separation process, two-stage grinding, one rough selection, one selection, and a coarse concentrate regrind process to obtain an iron concentrate with a yield of 11%, an iron grade of 63.90%, and an iron recovery of 44.93%.


1. The type of Yanping magnetite deposit is magmatic hydrothermal type. The ore-bearing rocks are mainly diorite types. The ore structure and mineral composition are relatively simple. The main metal minerals are magnetite, a small amount of pyrite and limonite. The gangue minerals are mainly plagioclase, quartz, chlorite, epidote, vermiculite, leucoxene, talc, muscovite and the like.
2. The ore structure of magnetite is mainly disseminated by fine particles. The grain size of the inlaid cloth is less than 0.048 mm, and the grain size is more than 40%. The coarse magnetite ore larger than 0.1 mm is also wrapped with a large number of gangue minerals less than 0.048 mm. It is difficult to dissociate under rough grinding conditions, and this embedding property of ore is an important reason for the low grade of concentrate.
3. The gangue minerals in the ore are very complex. Except for the original rock ore (plagioclase, quartz, muscovite, talc), other gangue minerals are later altered minerals. Among them, the relationship between whitite, vermiculite and magnetite is very close, and some of it is wrapped in magnetite, which causes the high content of titanium in magnetite concentrate, which is also one of the factors affecting the grade of iron concentrate.
4. The results of analysis of the ore phase of the ore indicate that the magnetic iron in the ore only accounts for 51% of the total iron content, that is, the recovery rate of the recoverable iron mineral cannot exceed 50%. This is an important reason for the low recovery rate of iron concentrate.
5. The ore dressing test has proved that the coarse ore obtained by rough ore (-200 mesh 60~90%) can be directly magnetically selected without re-grinding, and the iron concentrate grade can only reach 40~50%; only through When the coarsely selected concentrate is re-grinded and the fineness of the grinding reaches -400 mesh and above 90%, the iron concentrate with a grade of more than 60% can be obtained. Such fineness of grinding not only greatly increases the grinding cost, but also causes great difficulty in production practice.
6. The test adopts a single magnetic separation method, after two-stage grinding, one rough selection, coarse concentrate re-grinding, one selected magnetic separation process, and comprehensive condition verification test, the yield is 11% and the grade is 63.90%. The iron concentrate with a recovery rate of 44.9%. The selection index can be used as technical information for the possibility of development and utilization of the deposit.

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